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網址: www.sccfos.org
www.dzdpx.cn www.sccfos.cn 電話: +86-28-68730111 +86-28-68730222 傳真: +86-28-86528628 商會簡介
四川省對外經濟貿易商會成立于2005年9月,在四川省工商聯,四川省商務廳,四川省經濟合作局,四川省外辦領導下,由四川省屬涉外企業與來自北美、歐洲和亞太地區的海外知名企業機構以及投資者、管理者組成。 Sichuan Chamber of Commerce for Foreign Economy and Trade established in 2005, which is subordinate to Sichuan Industrial and commercialUnion. It is composed of enterprises inSichuanprovince and renowned enterprises and organizations as well as investors from North America,Europe, and Asia-Pacific area.
商會的宗旨和目標是:促進工商業發展,繁榮經濟;維護對外經貿企業權益;參與社會公共事務;加強地區和國際間的溝通和聯系,促進經濟合作。 Mission and Goal: It aims at promoting the industrial and commercial development, giving a boost to economy ofSichuanprovince, protecting the rights of enterprises; participating in social public affairs, reinforcing communication between district and international, push economic cooperation forward.
商會自成立以來,本著積極進取,務實創新,服務境內外企業為主旨,專注發展,努力建設成為中國西部最具影響力的商會之一。商會致力于為商界提供對外經貿企業資訊交流的機會,促進國際間的溝通和推廣工商貿易,在推動內地對外經濟貿易及促進國際對華投資經濟合作與文化交流方面,起橋梁和紐帶的作用。 Since the establishment of CFOS, it keeps the principle of serving for enterprises at home and abroad and endeavours to become one of the most influential chambers of commerce in the westernChina. CFOS aims to provide business information and communication opportunity for enterprises so as to promote international communication and expand industrial and commercial trade. It serves as a link to promote trade with foreign countries and attract foreign investment inChina.